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We Focus on Renewable Energy Storage Systems.

But what is energy storage?

Energy storage is a collection of methods used to store electrical energy on an electrical power grid, or off it. Electrical energy is stored during times when production exceeds consumption, and returned to the grid when production falls below consumption. 
Because the demand for electricity fluctuates throughout the day, the electricity storage devices can manage the amount of power required to supply customers at times when need is greatest, which is during peak load and half-hours of peak demand are usually referred to as Triads. Triad demand is measured as the average demand on the system over three half-hours between November and February (inclusive) in a financial year. These three half-hours comprise the half-hour of system demand peak and the two other half-hours of highest system demand which are separated from system demand peak and each other by at least ten days.

However, we are witnessing a paradigm change. Historically, electricity generation has been designed to follow demand. Now, we are moving towards a world in which higher virtually continuous demand is expected to be met to a large extent by renewable energy sources, wind and sun, that are intermittent and not predictable and therefore not able to generate much of the time. This challenge makes electricity storage critical and the next frontier in energy infrastructure since more and more countries will need energy storage technologies to balance the sometimes unpredictable supply of renewable energy and demand.

What is the impact of energy storage on the environment?

Reducing CO2 emissions while ensuring security of energy supply is at the forefront of the EU integrated approach to fight climate change. In 2007, Member States set the so-called “20-20-20” targets by 2020:

• a 20% reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

• a 20% increase of the share of Renewable Energy Storage in EU’s energy consumption

• a 20% increase of energy efficiency

In 2011, the European Commission published its Energy Roadmap 2050 exploring pathways toward a low carbon economy with a CO2 emission reduction of 85-90% compared to 1990 levels. Switching to Renewable Energy Storage, in particular non-dispatchable generation such as wind and solar photovoltaic (PV), will increase the need for flexibility in the energy system.

Energy storage is especially well suited to respond to this challenge and ensure a continued security of energy supply at any time. Energy storage is one of the enabling technologies to deploy renewable energy generation at large scale and reach a high percentage of renewable energy on the electricity mix. Energy storage can enable the energy system to operate more efficiently (i.e. to reduce system losses), and it can substitute grid services that are at present provided at present by fossil fuelled generation devices.
Benefits of Energy Storage

There are a number of benefits energy storage can offer in various forms and to various stakeholders, these include:
  • Energy storage can enable the integration of more renewables (especially solar PV and wind) in the energy mix.
  • Storage technologies could decrease the need to invest in new conventional generation capacity, resulting in financial savings and reduced emissions especially from electricity generation.
  • Storage technologies improve our energy security by optimising the supply and demand, thus reducing the need to import electricity via interconnectors.
  • They can also provide system stability during electricity outages by supplying energy at these times and reducing the financial costs of power outages.
  • Utilisation of storage also means fewer and cheaper electricity transmission and distribution system upgrades are required.
  • Energy can be stored when prices are low and used on site when they are high to save consumers and businesses money on their bills. Alternatively, the stored energy can be sold.
  • Large amounts of energy storage can significantly reduce energy loss during transmission and distribution. Electricity transmission losses typically run at just below 10% of the total energy first produced in the UK.
  • Storage technologies can reduce the usage of fossil fuels, enabling a greener energy supply mix.

About Us

London based AMDC Energy is one of the most dynamic energy storage company operating within the UK and overseas, with focus on renewable energy industry. We offer a fully integrated solution including consultancy, project management, finance, design, construction, operation and maintenance, asset management and sustainability solutions within the electricity market as well options for businesses and users to benefit from taking part in helping to balance the grid using renewable energy, particularly solar and wind energy, which provide electricity without giving rise to any carbon dioxide emissions.

Contact Us

AMDC Energy Limited
225 Marsh Wall, Canary Wharf
London, England, E14 9FW
Registered Number: 10352741
Telephone: +44(0)20 3019 5041
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AMDC Energy Limited, 225 Marsh Wall, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 9FW Registered Number: 10352741